Tuesday 12 November 2019



Hepatitis is inflammations of the liver, an abnormal condition that harms liver cells. There are many causes of hepatitis, such as; drinking of alcohol, overdoes or side effects of medication, inhaling of toxic chemicals, and problems with a people's immune system.   


Comparison of two types of encyclopedias; Britannica & Encarta

  • Both of them online
  • They have clear headline and subtitle
  • Easy to search any topic  
  • Britannica has video relative with topic
  • People can also find related topic and article
  • Both has formal language 

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Housing Affordability in Australia

This bar graph shows housing affordability in Australia between March 1980 and March 2016 in capital cities in Australia. The house prices in March 1980 are much lower compared to the prices in March 2016. In Sydney, house prices increased more than any other city between these years. In overall, in Australia, housing affordability has been going down year by year. 

Monday 23 September 2019




The world changes is very rapidly, and this effects to animal lives too. Human population explosion, colonisation of the world, poverty, human greed, pollution, and disease are caused these changes. Especially humans are accelerated the extinction of species. There are two group of endangered animal which are called critically endangered and simply endangered. A species which is not protect, it is called vulnerable and can be extinct over a longer period of time. Group of endangered species can be example for us.    

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Giraffes Get New Protections


  • Giraffes are most emblematic & threatened species in Africa
  • Their populations endangered & declining
  • Countries agreed to add giraffes to list of animals protected
  • Since 1985, giraffes populations decreased by 40% across Africa
  • In Central & East Africa, vulnerable to poaching for domestic consumption


Giraffes are the most emblematic and threatened species in Africa. Their populations are endangered and declining. African countries agreed to add giraffes to list of animals protected. Giraffes populations decreased by 40% across Africa since 1985. However, in Central and East Africa, they are vulnerable to poaching for domestic consumption.


Giraffes are threatened species, and their populations are endangered and declining. if they don't get protection soon, one of species can be loss. Government should protect them, and educate the people for threatened species for awareness about it.  



HEPATITIS Hepatitis is  inflammations of the liver, an abnormal condition that harms liver cells. There are many causes of hepatitis, su...